Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Seize The Day!

On the eve of the most important day in Scottish history for over 300 years it's difficult to concentrate on anything else. It's time for us all to decide - between more of the same, and worse, from the UK parties and the prospect of a better future for the people of Scotland, and, indeed, the rest of the world. In my view it’s not just about a socially and economically fairer society and ending Trident and nuclear bases here, important though these are, but having the power in our own hands, as we do tomorrow, to create better and more culturally fulfilling ways of living for everyone. Will we have the self-belief to change history for the better, or will we let ourselves down because of fears and uncertainty? 

My geopoetics American friend Laura Hope-Gill says on her Facebook timeline that ‘the spirit of independence is its own force in nature. Self-actualization is a vital need, for people and for nations. In this scenario, Scotland's Yes movement has a vision which once opened does not close for any warnings or practical considerations. This is a calling, something poetic speaking into the din of the so-called pragmatic, a term that genuinely ought to include the poetic in its "looking at it from all sides" claim. Scotland wants to be Scotland on its own. It wants to be Scotland and have its own story once again, after a very long time. That's a powerful wish, and there is nothing practical or realistic about wishes, yet they often win and amaze and show us new ways the world can be. The world is changing, moving away from outmoded ways of governance and management of resources. Scotland just might show us how it's done.’

I’m reminded also of her beautiful Fb post after the death of Robin Williams about how seeing his wonderful portrayal of the teacher John Keating in Dead Poets Society made her decide to spend the rest of her life teaching poetry and motivating young and older people to live their lives to the full. This she has done, and enriched many lives in the process, and tomorrow the people of Scotland should follow her example... and seize the day!

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